Education Reimagined
Florida Atlantic University’s Education Reimagined program will change the culture of teaching and learning at the institution by investing in and supporting student-centered education through the use of Learning Assistants (LAs). Guided by the principles of the Learning Assistant program model, courses are redesigned by faculty to include active, collaborative learning experiences facilitated by trained undergraduate Learning Assistants, called LAs. The LA Model is strengthened by three program pillars: Practice, Preparation and Pedagogy
Teaching quality, curriculum design and assessment, and heightened student engagement are at the core of student success. The LA model is a successful, evidence-based program centered on engaging students in best practices in teaching and education, namely peer-assisted, active and collaborative learning. The LA Program fosters these core student success activities by providing the necessary framework to create a culture of peer-assisted collaborative learning at FAU by supporting faculty in redesigning their more traditional, instructor-centered classrooms in favor of student-centered learning environments. To accomplish this level of engagement, the size of the learning team increases by embedding trained LAs who facilitate active learning and collaborative group work for all students in the classroom. Students become responsible for their own learning as they are engaged with peers to apply course content. Faculty are engaged in redesign of active learning activities and authentic assessment by incorporating group learning and peer-to-peer mentoring. The three essential elements are: Practice is the course redesign, incorporating in-class, small group active learning strategies facilitated by trained peers. Preparation is meetings between faculty and their LAs in which they discuss upcoming content, reflect on past content students are struggling to grasp, and discuss how to best facilitate learning. LAs act as student advocates by sharing the student perspective on learning. Pedagogy is a weekly seminar for first semester LAs where they discover how students learn, reflect on their own teaching strategies, and share experiences and challenges with other LAs.
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Institute of Education SciencesPiloting the Learning Assistant (LA) Model in a Large Lecture General Chemistry Course |
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FAU.EDUFocus on Student Success: Expanding the Learning Assistant (LA) Model across the Curriculum to Transform Teaching through Student-Centered Collaborative Learning |
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FAU.EduSigal Rubin Named Learning Assistant Faculty Mentor |
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In pilot programs at FAU, The LA model increased the number of “A” letter grades earned in Calculus while decreasing the number of D,F, and W grades from the start of the program in 2014 through fall 2019. In calculus, we found that female students pass the course at more than a 5% greater rate when taking the course with Las, with similar outcomes for African American students in LA sections.
In the Spring 2020 pilot of the LA program in General Chemistry II, the course section with LAs had significantly better outcomes than the section taught without LAs (as taught by the same instructor). Highlights of the outcomes include:
• Higher overall pass rate (by 3.7%) in LA section
• Higher rate of students earning A’s (41.5% as compared to 30.3% in non-LA section; a difference of 11.1%)
• Higher rate of African American students passing (5.7% difference: 91.4% in LA section; 85.7% in non-LA section)
• Higher rate of African American students earning A’s (36.2% vs only 19.6% in non-LA section)
• Higher rate of Hispanic students passing (by 8.79%)
Faculty Testimonial
As an instructor, teaching in the LA model allows me the pleasure of seeing the learning happening right in front of me. My students learn math by doing math rather than watching me do math.
-T. Buscemi
Student Testimonials
My experience with my LAs were great. They helped me understand the concepts not just on a surface level but on a deeper understanding of the underlying principles, allowing me [to] gain a better understanding and appreciation of calculus.
-Ivan Y.
My experience with the LA’s this semester was great! They were extremely helpful when I didn’t understand a certain part of the lecture, or when I was heading in the wrong direction with the solution to a problem. For my first time having LA’s in the class, I really appreciate all the work they did, and genuinely did much better in the class because of the LA’s!
-Rakia J.