Application Instructions

Cover Page (1-page maximum)
  • Name of Institution
  • Name of Individual(s) Submitting Application/Contact Person (name, title, address, phone, email)
  • Abstract that provides a concise summary of the Institution’s application for affiliate or full membership with the Coalition
Description of interest in the Coalition’s mission and vision (2-page maximum)

Why: Describe why becoming an Affiliate or Member of the CTE is important to your institution and initiatives, including some background on the goals of the institution related to student flourishing and wellbeing. Please indicate how engaging with the Coalition is likely to create opportunities to enhance students’ identity, belonging, agency, and/or sense of purpose.


Who: List the contacts who are directly engaged with the initiative described in your application and will participate in Coalition activities. Include names, titles, and role in work related to students’ thriving, flourishing, and wellbeing. From this list, please designate 1-2 project directors, who will act as the main contact for Coalition engagement.

Description of Educational Activity/Initiative
(1 page per activity/initiative; Max of 3 activities/initiatives)

Tell us about at least one (no more than three (3)), faculty-led (or with meaningful faculty involvement) activities and/or initiatives that your institution is pursuing to promote lifelong student flourishing, and wellbeing. Describe how faculty and/or staff have been and will be engaged and an expected timeline for the proposed project/initiative included in your application (Is it pre-launch, in the pilot stage, well-established? What are your near and mid-term goals for the project?). In addition to describing the activity or initiative, please also describe how it addresses the expectations of:

  • Development of the core elements of wellbeing: How does this initiative help students develop a sense of identity, belonging, agency, and/or purpose which are critical to achieving life-long flourishing and wellbeing?
  • Scalability: How might the activities included in your initiative be scaled within your own institution?
Assessment Activities (1-page maximum)

Describe how the initiative (or initiatives) are currently assessed, or your plan to assess the effectiveness of the initiative, that includes measures aligned with the Coalition’s focus on lifelong wellbeing. Outcomes relevant to the mission of the Coalition could include: a sense of identity, purpose, agency of self-efficacy, and belonging, emotionally supportive mentoring or experiential learning that connects curriculum to authentic real-world applications or problems. Please explain how the assessment will be used to refine and expand the proposed project.

Letter of Endorsement

Please provide a signed letter of endorsement from your institution’s faculty project leader (Affiliate status) or provost or president (Member status). Please note how the proposed project fits into the institution’s overarching aspirations for student flourishing and wellbeing.