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A workshop to inspire, develop, and empower Life-Transformative Educators at UConn

Friday, September 25
8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., virtual event

Email [email protected] for more information.

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This is the flagship event for LTE to bring together life-transformative educators who are already active at UConn to be inspired by external and internal speakers. The event will include some intensive short work sessions with others from across our large and often disconnected institution (schools and colleges, regional campuses, departments, student affinity groups, learning communities, etc.) to define their own ideas of what we can do to foster an ever-greater availability of life-transformative educational experiences. It will be formed of two main elements:

Listening Louder: We will work to make sure that the crucial knowledge for scaling-up life-transformative education across our institution is right there within the participants. Instead of just bombarding them with external ideas, we want to use the smaller sessions to focus on a theme of listening. The faculty and staff we will bring together are already life-transformative educators – our challenge to them is how to spread this further across the campus and, as administrative leaders, we will be listening to them.

Empowering Ideas: We will bring a visionary external leader in life-transformative education to speak to our first team of leaders to help empower them in their own community. We want to provide a scaffold of ideas and networks that can help our UConn grassroots community realize their own vision.
When they leave this event, we want our initial cohort of life-transformative educators to feel excitement at the possibilities for expanding their work at UConn and spreading their approaches to their peers. We want them to feel an urgency for the mission and to have developed the beginnings of networks that will form a genuine guiding coalition.

Approximately 150 participants will be included in the initial collaborative workshop. Our life-transformative education taskforce and administrative leadership will take an active role in engaging department heads, deans, and managers across campus to identify participants for this first round. To be successful, this first cohort will be formed of those who are deeply passionate about life-transformative education and who are ready to be empowered to accelerate their work by building it out to peers.
