Application Information

The Coalition welcomes interested institutions to apply for membership. Applicants are encouraged to explore the website to learn more about the Coalition’s mission, current membership, governance structure, conferences, and funded projects.

Eligibility Requirements

For U.S. institutions, any degree granting, higher education institution that is accredited by one of the six U.S. regional accrediting associations, or any U.S. college or university system office, is eligible for membership or affiliate membership. For non-U.S. institutions, any degree-granting higher education institution authorized to grant degrees by its respective national ministry of education or other official national agency or bureau is eligible. U.S. institutions that are not yet accredited may apply for provisional affiliate or member status on a case-by-case basis. Contact the Coalition’s Executive Director to discuss options.

Application Criteria

The criteria for institutional membership in the Coalition for Transformational Education are: