The Purpose Project: A Culture of Encounter

The Purpose Project represents our commitment to keep purpose as a central consideration as we work to enrich student experiences and strengthen student outcomes at St. Thomas.

We will work to develop a signature course on Purpose that will help students explore meaning and purpose in career. The Purpose Project will help to pilot and launch this course with the eventual goal of reaching all undergraduate students.

We will also introduce sophomores to the concepts of vocation and purpose. Second-year students from under-represented groups are more likely to feel disconnected and therefore have a high risk of not retaining. The project will explore ways to reach first-generation sophomores and help them develop skills in reflection, listening and vocational exploration.

The project will also enhance existing campus efforts to connect students to storytelling as a way to help students develop their own sense of identity and purpose. Storytelling encourages the type of reflection that compels students to integrate their own core values into their life narratives and future plans, a process that lies at the heart of purpose.